Asset Protection Planning, by

Asset Protection Planning by ALTA Estate Services

The goal of proper estate asset protection is to preserve and protect your hard-earned assets from loss due to creditor action, probate, courtrooms, and lawyers, as well as Medicaid asset, spend down. Asset protection is a critical part of any proper and complete estate and/or business plan.

Should you die without proper estate planning and asset protection the courts, government and lawyers will get a substantial amount of your wealth otherwise intended for your family and loved ones.

Should you ever need long-term care or assisted care, you and your family will face the Federal Medicaid and Arizona State ALTCS Spend down liquidation of your assets.

If you are in business, you must protect yourself and your family assets from potential lawsuits from creditors.

A proper and complete asset strategy provides financial security for you and your family members against potential hardships in the future.

ALTA Estate Services, LLC incorporates asset planning in all of its estate and business planning efforts through proper and complete legal documents. ALTA provides its clients with the peace of mind to know that through such complete planning and document preparation that their future financial security is protected.

Visit BUSINESS and LTC for additional information on these topics. Learn more about Mark Fishbein.
