Client Reaps Benefit of ALTA Emergency Hotline Program
May 27, 2019
When we engaged the ALTA Estate Services, LLC to execute our family trust and estate plan, we took advantage of their Emergency Telephone Hotline Service. We thought it would be a good idea. Little did we know that we would reap a most unanticipated benefit.
Last week, we were at Wake Forest University to celebrate our granddaughter’s graduation. While touring the campus, I lost my cell phone. Not only did I lose my cell phone, but my wallet with credit cards, driver’s license, cash and other things that one carried in their wallet. As soon as I realized the loss, my mind went through all the implications of such a loss; the identification I need to board a plane to return home; the personal information on my phone.
First, we re-traced our steps hoping we’d see it lying on the ground. No luck. We then made contact with the campus police. They said nothing had been turned in but they would call my wife as soon as someone did. We had no choice but to go back to the hotel and wait for a call from the police. We didn’t have to wait long before we received an email from Alyssa Marino at ALTA Estate Services telling us that a kind soul had the wallet in his possession. In it he found ALTA’s Emergency Telephone Hotline card with their Emergency Telephone Hotline phone number. He then called ALTA to advise them that he had found my wallet. ALTA staff then immediately coordinated with this individual and the campus police to retrieve my phone/wallet.
Elated, I called the campus police station and they that they had my wallet! And were impressed that Alyssa’s email advising them of the situation came well before even the campus police received it.
Thanks to ALTA, we a had wonderful ending to what could have been a big disaster for us otherwise. More importantly, our confidence in ALTA’s commitment and follow through has been reinforced. We feel even more confident that in the event of a medical emergency, our family members will be in good hands with the staff at ALTA Estate Services.
Thank you again for all you have done for us.
name omitted to protect confidentiality of client
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For more information on how you can implement the Emergency Telephone Hotline Program into your estate planning strategy, please contact us by clicking the button below, or calling (520) 797-1400.